Housing in the Private Rental Market Ideas Competition

Designers are invited to speculate on new ideas for typologies and neighbourhood arrangements to cater for the private rented development, creating truly flexible homes and communities, and other benefits for those privately renting. The Wates Group and the RIBA hope to demonstrate that these fresh ideas for the suburban private rented sector can suit the emerging demographic AND be viable and desirable.

Category Idea Competition / Open to Students
Type International, Idea, Open, Two-Stage, Anonymous
Genre Housing
Country UK
RegDeadline 21 August 2013 GoogleCal iCal
28 August 2013 (Must be Recieved) GoogleCal
Eligibility Architects and students of architecture worldwide are invited to submit design ideas.

In 2012 Wates Giving sponsored a report that investigated the impact of the under-supply of housing on current generations of aspiring first time home-owners. More broadly, the report also considered the private rental sector and its place in national housing policy. Wates Giving now seeks to build on this theme by exploring what a specifically designed privately rented suburban neighbourhood might look like through the vehicle of an RIBA competition.

Timothy Wates, Director, Wates Group - Chair of Panel

1st Prize: £6,000
2nd Prize: £3,000
3rd Prize: £2,000
Highly commended: £1,000

Entry Fee

Announcement of Result and Prize Giving: 25 November

Wates Group, Wates Family Enerprise Trust (both hereafter, Wates) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Official Website