44th Annual IIDA Interior Design Competition

This annual design competition celebrates innovative Interior Design/Interior Architecture that encourages new ideas in the design and furnishing of interior spaces.

Category Award
Type International, Award, Open, Single-Stage, Onymous
Genre Interior
Country Chicago, United States
RegDeadline 8 February 2017 GoogleCal iCal
8 February 2017 (via Online)
Eligibility All
Target Field The design project(s) must have been completed after Dec. 1, 2014.

This annual design competition celebrates innovative Interior Design/Interior Architecture that encourages new ideas in the design and furnishing of interior spaces.

The winning design projects are chosen by a jury of design professionals.
A "Best of Competition" winner will be selected from among the winners.


Entry Fee
$250 USD per entry for IIDA Members
$350 USD per entry for non-IIDA Members

Winners announcement: March 2017
The Best of Competition winner will be announced at the IIDA black-tie gala, COOL, in June 2017.

Past winners

International Interior Design Association

Official Website