The Jacques Rougerie Foundation Awards 2017

This innovative architectural project shall take place in either the ocean, guardian of our environmental and societal quality of life, or space, field of development and of technologic applications, unavoidable for the future of our civilisation.

Category Idea Competition / Open to Students
Type International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage
Genre Architecture
Country Paris, France
RegDeadline 19 November 2017 GoogleCal iCal
19 November 2017 (via Online)
Eligibility All

The prizes of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation – Institut de France, are given in order to offer architects, designers, engineers, and urban planners a unique opportunity to propose innovative, audacious, and disruptive projects. These architectural projects, based upon emerging technologies, a prospective vision and cross-curricular competences – science, sociology, climatology, geography, etc. – shall give answers to major environmental issues of our era and to future issues. They will have to take into account the tenets of sustainable development and to contribute to the integration of the sea and space in the development of our societies: new material such as solar tiles, new techniques, and fundamental advancement in terms of conception and building, energy saving, low consumption of natural resources, recyclability, etc.
This innovative architectural project shall take place in either the ocean, guardian of our environmental and societal quality of life, or space, field of development and of technologic applications, unavoidable for the future of our civilisation.
Architectural innovation and sustainable development to respond to major climate changes are the key words in this call for creativity.

Not yet announced

Innovation and Architecture for the Sea - Louis Vicat
- Grand Prix - 7,500 €
- Focus: The ports of the future - € 2,500
Innovation and Architecture for Space
- Grand Prix - 7,500 €
- Focus: Solar power satellites - € 2,500
Architecture and Sea Level Rise
- Grand Prix - 7,500 €
- Focus: The African coastline - € 2,500

Entry Fee

Award Ceremony: January 2018

Past winners

The Jacques Rougerie Foundation

Official Website