Projects received: 213
1st Price
Country: Argentina
University: FADU – UBA (University of Buenos Aires)
Members: Lucía Victoria Bocchimuzzi
María Soledad Orube
Andrés Fernando Pridmenik
Sebastián Andrés Podesta
Malena Alejandra Proto
María Ramírez
2nd Price
Padrosa Company
Country: Spain
University: ETSAB/ETSAV
Members: Joel Padrosa Redondo
Oscar Company Trilla
3rd Price
TMS arquitectura
Country: Spain
University: La Salle .Url Barcelona
Members: Tomás Montis Sastre
Beatriz Quintela Bermejo
10 Honorable Mentions
Gabriel Maia
Country: Brazil
University: PUC-Rio
Members: Gabriel Kozlowski Maia
Wolke 7
Country: Germany
University: University of Siegen.
Members: Marcel Kipping
Tobias Fiege
Country: Chile
University: Universidad Mayor de Chile.
Members: Francisco Vidal Miranda
María José Casanova López
Conrado Leiva Aedo
Hugo Ibarra Jorquera
Pía Torres Garay
Country: Holand +Spain
University: TU Delft+ ETSAB.
Members: Ricardo Schoonewolff
Federico Ortiz
Country: United States
University: University of Houston. EEUU
Members: Shohei Yokoyama
J (B+C)
Country: Spain
University: Universidad de Alicante
Members: José Bernad Tora
Julia Cervantes Corazzina
Country: France
University: ENSAP Bordeaux
Members: Odile Bouille
Cecile Bouillon
Alexandre Cornu
Adrien González
Mickael Martin
Country: Spain
Universidad: UCH-CEU.
Members: Manuel Calleja Molina
María Pilar Asensio Herrero
Elena Genovés Marchuet
Country: Poland
University: Cracow University of Technology.
Members: Lukasz Marjañski
Ewa Nadtocji
Rafa Mikulski
Country: Chile
University: Universidad Mayor de Chile
Members: Claudia Arriagada Aravena
Jorge Alberto Díaz Zamudio
Gonzalo Javier Olivares Vargas
Miguel Omar Sánchez Corona
Category | Idea Competition / Open to Students / Competition Result |
Type | International, Idea, Students or Age Restriction , Single-Stage, Anonymous |
Genre | Museum |
Country | Barcelona, Spain |
RegDeadline | 15 September 2010 (See "Entry Fee" below) GoogleCal iCal |
30 September 2010 (via Online) GoogleCal | |
Eligibility | Students and Graduate students whose undergraduate degree is not older than 3 years |
The goal of this assignment is to achieve an architectural ensemble that respects this unique environment while contributing to create a new architectural icon for a European capital that, while proud of its past, still wants to show the rest of the world it can be a modern city too.
There have been many great architects that have been fascinated by this place through decades, traveling sometimes for months to visit it. This project is presented as an exciting challenge that blends history, philosophy, mathematics, geometry, modernity... and with which we are sure participants will enjoy their time.
For this project we have an exceptional 15,000m2 field located in the heart of Athens, just a few meters from the Temple of Zeus and the Panathinaiko stadium. It has excellent views of the Acropolis and the Parthenon, and it can also be observed from these.
The site is in a very particular area of the city, surrounded by representative work of the ancient Greek culture such as the Acropolis. Currently the place is occupied by a running track that will be moved to another sector of the city leaving a perfect flat land with excellent characteristics.
The project, as a whole, aims to be a new icon of the city that engages the classic works, the new equipments and the complex structure of the city.
Participants are requested to fulfil the requirements of the program taking into account its specific function and its insertion in a precise and characteristic urban environment.
Josep Llinás (President of the jury)
Ibón Bilbao (Architect)
Carolina B. Garcia (History of Art and Architecture Professor)
Andrea Ortega (Expert in art/architecture)
Miltziadis Tzitzas (Invited professor from Athens School of architecture)
1st Price: 2000 Euros + 1 year subscription to ON Diseño magazine, Publication, Exhibition
2nd Price: 600 Euros + 1 year subscription to ON Diseño magazine, Publication, Exhibition
3rd Price: 400 Euros + 1 year subscription to ON Diseño magazine, Publication, Exhibition
10 Honorable Mentions: Publication, Exhibition
Entry Fee
Special registration(1st May – 30th Jun): 50€
Early registration(1st Jul –15th Aug): 75€
Late registration(16th Aug – 15th Sep): 100 €
1 din-A1 panel in JPG format
English or Spanish
Jury’s deliberation period: 7 to 17 October 2010
Publication of the winners : October 27, 2010 on ArchMedium´s website
Official Website