Nikola's Belvedere

The contest's objectives include design and construction of belvedere which is meant to become one of the main landmarks in Nikola-Lenivets and the high-rise dominant of Versailles Park.

Category Project Competition
Type International, Project, Open, Two-Stage
Genre Temporary-Structure
Country Russia
RegDeadline 15 January 2013 GoogleCal iCal
15 22 January 2013
Eligibility Artists and architects

Nikola-Lenivets Project and Archstoyanie Fetsival announce the contest for Nikola’s Belvedere art object which is meant to become one of the main landmarks in Nikola-Lenivets. The contest’s objectives include design and construction of observation deck/belvedere which will connect composition-wise Brodskiy’s “Rotunda” and Bernasconi’s “Arch” art objects into a uniform architectural ensemble and will become the high-rise dominant of Versailles Park. The main function of the belvedere is to let one see and feel the surrounding area from above.

The Expert Council: Julia Bychkova, Inna Prilezhaeva, Anna Shchetinina, Vasily Kopeyko, Maria Troshina, Alexey Muratov, Maxim Nogotkov
The Contest Jury: Nikolay Polisskiy, Alexander Konstantinov, Anton Kochurkin, Boris Bernasconi

The winner will be rewarded a cash prize of 100,000 rubles and provided with funding for the belvedere’s construction.

Nikola-Lenivets Project and Archstoyanie Fetsival

Official Website