International Architectural Design Competition for the New Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center at Tel Aviv University

The purpose of the Competition is to choose, based on a comparison of the Architectural Concepts submitted, the 3 (three) ranked Finalists and further select the Winner to be engaged for the preparation of the design documentation with respect to the Facility and the Project Site.

Category Project Competition
Type International, Project, Open, Two-Stage
Genre Architecture
Country Israel
RegDeadline 30 October 2015 GoogleCal iCal
30 October 2015
Eligibility Participation is open to design bureaus and consortiums of companies comprising specialists in the fields of: architectural design, engineering systems and evaluation of design and construction costs. The Competition is global and no restrictions apply co

The subject of the Competition is the architectural Concept for the new Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center to be located at the Tel Aviv University Campus. The architectural Concept encompasses the general urban development, architectural, planning and spatial solution for the Project Site and the Facility.

The purpose of the Competition is to choose, based on a comparison of the Architectural Concepts submitted, the 3 (three) ranked Finalists and further select the Winner to be engaged for the preparation of the design documentation with respect to the Facility and the Project Site.

The Competition is organised into two phases as an open call Competition with pre-selected qualified Applicants. During the pre-selection phase, the Jury will select 21 (twenty one) Applicants who will engage in competitive dialogue during the first phase. At the end of the first phase, 6 (six) Participants will be chosen to further develop architectural Concepts during the second phase. At the end of the second phase, the Jury will rank the three Finalists and eventually decide on a Winner after deliberation with each of them.


Each of 6 (six) Participants chosen after first Jury meeting will get an honorarium of 50,000.00 US Dollars (excluding VAT, if applicable). The said amount shall include, in particular, a compensation for the Participant’s financial and labour costs incurred due to preparing and presenting the Competition Proposal.

Entry Fee

Announcement of the Winner: 5 Jan 2016

Tel Aviv University

Official Website