Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2022 - Vision Competition




Through the design of an urban unit that operates as a circular system in its resources and economy protocols—as well as in the cycling of its materials,—the aim of CIRCULAR BLOCK is to define new productive and socially cohesive urban models that question the traditional linear and discrete consumption and production systems in cities.

Category Idea Competition / Open to Students / Competition Result
Type International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous
Genre Sustainability, Urban
Country Tallinn, Estonia
RegDeadline 28 February 2022 GoogleCal iCal
28 February 2022 (via Online)
Eligibility And all architects and students of architecture

Operating at three distinct scales, the CIRCULAR BLOCK Vision Competition invites participants to consider Tallinn's Lasnamäe as a territory to investigate design strategies that allow urban blocks to use their surface to produce food for its inhabitants, generate required energy partially off the grid, use waste for generating energy or products, increase urban density using demolition waste, or implement blockchain technology for locally managing energy or material resources, among other possibilities.
Proposals may be focused on one (or all) of the following topics: FOOD, ENERGY, WASTE, MATTER, and on one of the following scales: HOUSING BLOCK, URBAN BLOCK, MIKRORAYON. Competition encourages participants to think experimentally and to develop proposals that crossbreed between different themes and scales. It is also important to note that competition is specifically interested in how technical innovation has political ramifications, that is how the reinvention of the mikrorayon can substantially impact living and working patterns and offer new employment opportunities and/or new protocols of trade.
Although the competition is site-specific, the submitted concepts could be designed in a systemic and scalable way to be possibly implemented in other locations in Lasnamäe, Tallinn, or other similar urban arrangements elsewhere. The collection of submitted proposals will be assembled into the CIRCULAR BLOCK ATLAS and presented to the City of Tallinn as part of the upcoming 2022 Tallinn Architecture Biennale.

Winy Maas, Co-founding Partner and Principal of MVRDV, Rotterdam
Kaidi Põldoja, Head of the Spatial Planning Competence Centre at the City of Tallinn
Benedetta Tagliabue, Director of Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, Barcelona
Toomas Tammis, Professor of Architecture, Estonian Academy of Arts
Veronika Valk-Siska, Advisor, Estonian Ministry of Culture

First prize: 4000 euros
Second prize: 2000 euros
Third prize: 1000 euros

Entry Fee

The winners will be announced by May 2022.

The Estonian Centre for Architecture

Official Website