VLORA WATERFRONT International Competition

Atelier Albania, invited by the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism and the City of Vlora, is launching an international one-stage urban design competition, to design the Waterfront Promenade in Vlora, Albania. The Waterfront Promenade is envisioned as a vibrant pedestrian zone and a major recreational area facing some of the new inhabited parts of the city, but in itself represents the oldest touristic attraction of the city.

Category Idea Competition
Type International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage
Genre Urban
Country Albania
RegDeadline 28 January 2014 GoogleCal iCal
28 January 2014
Eligibility All

Atelier Albania, invited by the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism and the City of Vlora, is launching an international one-stage urban design competition, to design the Waterfront Promenade in Vlora, Albania. The Waterfront Promenade is envisioned as a vibrant pedestrian zone and a major recreational area facing some of the new inhabited parts of the city, but in itself represents the oldest touristic attraction of the city.

Through this open call, Atelier Albania, is aiming to reach out architects, landscape architects, urban planners and designers, students and artists. This professional capacity will generate visionary and original concepts for the Vlora Waterfront Promenade, jump-starting a process that aspires the transformation of an entire waterfront pedestrian experience.

Through this urban design, ideas and intervention competition, Atelier Albania is hoping to establish a model of design and intervention that can be applied contextually, developing at a further stage to other urban sites along the Albanian coast, assuring a frame for a spatially rich and varied scheme that will enhance the Ionian and Adriatic waterfront conditions, recognising its total spatial context.

A well-integrated mosaic of a new landscape, additional outdoor lightweight structures, artistic oeuvres and lighting will support the ideas of this prominent waterfront promenade to achieve its touristic potential, as a vital and stimulating outdoor location, turning it into a favourite refuge for residents of all ages and a destination for tourists and visitors from all over the world.


First Design Prize: 10,000 E
Second Design Prize: 5,000 E
Third Design Prize: 3,000 E
Best Local Team Prize: 5,000 E

Entry Fee

Announcement Of Winners: February 2

Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism has classified the Ionian Coast and the city of Vlora

Official Website