Category | Idea Competition / Open to Students |
Type | International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous |
Genre | Transportation, Urban |
Country | Boston, United States |
RegDeadline | 16 September 2011 GoogleCal iCal |
16 September 2011 (via Online) | |
Eligibility | All |
In support of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation's South Coast Rail Economic Development and Land Use Corridor Plan, SHIFTboston is challenging urban planners, architects, urban designers, designers and landscape architects -- professionals and students -- to explore and visualize destinations along the proposed South Coast Rail extension, which will connect Boston to Taunton, New Bedford, and Fall River, Massachusetts.
The planned extension of commuter rail lines from Boston’s South Station to the Massachusetts South Coast has the capacity for broader re-conception and re-imagination of the region. We encourage competitors to investigate and to explore the potential of this new network and its RESOURCES. Competitors might animate the rail system by adding to or enhancing the latent urban NETWORK. These NEW destinations could draw from the regional and local resources, industry and culture such as, universities, agriculture, arts, marine industry, historical institutions, tourism and recreation. FUN? Consider what has not yet been considered -- contemporary communal and PUBLIC meeting places, open markets for local food production, a regional cultural campus of performance space and theaters connected by rail, or new research and development campuses or dense residential districts. The submission might explore these stopping points along the rail as part of system of supporting links which make up a greater network. The competitor might also choose to focus on further developing the central core of one or more of the cities on the line, such as Fall River or New Bedford.
Julia Czerniak (Director of UPSTATE, Associate Professor at Syracuse University; Syracuse, NY)
Diane Georgopulos (Architect at Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (Mass Housing); Boston, MA)
Greg Guimond (Deputy Director and Comprehensive Planning Manger of the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD); Boston, MA)
Scott Lang (Mayor; New Bedford, MA)
Edward Mitchell (Assistant Professor of Yale University, Principal of EMA; New Haven, CT)
Chris Reed (Principal and Founder of Stoss Landscape Urbanism; Boston, MA)
Adèle Naudé Santos (Dean of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA, Principal of Santos Prescott and Associates; San Francisco, CA)
1,000 US dollar cash prize and publication and exhibition
Entry Fee
100 USD
The jury meeting: September 21, 2011
The winners announcement: October 20, 2011 at Faneuil Hall in Boston
Past winners
Official Website