WAS Awards 2017

These awards aim to celebrate the work done by students from all around the world during each academic year.

Category Award / Open to Students
Type International, Award, Students, Single-Stage
Genre Degree-Project
RegDeadline 17 December 2017 GoogleCal iCal
8 January 2018 (via Online) GoogleCal
Eligibility Undergraduate architecture students from any school around the world
Target Field The project must have been developed during the last year.

If you are or have been enrolled as an architecture student during 2017 we are glad to see you here.
We are sure you’ll have a bunch of great projects you’ve worked on during the last year and we want to see your best!
The WAS awards are FREE to join and will not only give you the opportunity to win some really cool prizes for work you’ve already done but they will also allow you to see where you stand not only against your classmates but also against other students from other schools in other places, some of which will have very different points of views and approaches to architecture than yours.
Housing award: The housing award will evaluate single homes projects or reduced complexes of individual houses
Residential award: The residential award will evaluate apartment buildings and other forms of multi-family housing
Facilities award: Public and private projects including; museums, libraries, sport complexes and others

Not yet announced

600€ in cash
See your project feautred on WikiArquitectura’s home page for 30 days (over 2M impressions)
3Doodler Create 3D Printing Pen
A free Membership Pro at Build Academy. Get your AIA certi ed diploma for free
Subscription to L’ARCHITECTURE D’AUJOURD’HUI magazine
Subscription to SITE - built matters magazine
Subscription to OPEN HOUSE - the life we share magazine
Subscription to ARCHITECKTÚRA & URBANIZMUS magazine
3 SCALAE paperback issues of your choice (must pick from available issues on Amazon)
Selection of TC cuadernos publications

Entry Fee

Winner announcement: Feb 26, 2018


Official Website