A101 Block City Competition

Masterplan design competition for a new residential development located near Moscow. The development will create a comfortable urban environment with over 1 million sq m of housing, services and open spaces on a 127 ha site.

Category Project Competition
Type International, Project, Restricted, Two-Stage, Onymous
Genre Housing, Urban
Country Moscow
RegDeadline 7 July 2010 GoogleCal iCal
14 July 2010 (Must be Received) GoogleCal
Eligibility architects and urban designers


The composition of the jury is in accordance with the rules set up by the IUA.

Ttotal fee of 400.000 USD
In the second stage each participant will receive a basic fee of 80.000 USD

Entry Fee

For the first stage of the competition the client invites submissions from:
-Three copies of a portfolio showing projects by the candidates comparable in size and scope to the competition project. Maximum portfolio size is 64 pages A3 in printed and digital form (pdf)
- a written statement expressing their view on the project and its implementation in max. 300 words in Russian and English
- a description of the size and turnover of the firm(s) in 2008 and 2009.

Submission Address
3-35, Kommunarka settlement, Leninskiy district, Moscow region 142770
Telephone/Fax: +7 495 221 71 12

Announcement of 4 participants: July 19
Submission of projects: October 11

Masshtab Development Company

Official Website