2nd Arteingenua Prize

The proposed Second International ARTEINGENUA PRIZE 2008 Competition theme is: PLAY THE GAME – get into the game with art

Category Award / Open to Students
Type International, Award, Open, Two-Stage , Onymous
Genre Art, Photography, Structure
Country Italy
RegDeadline 26 September 2008 GoogleCal iCal
26 September 2008 (Must be Received)
Eligibility All artists aged between 20 and 40 years (date of birth between 1 January 1968 and 31 December 1988)
Target Field Painting, Sculpture, or Photography created in the last 12 months and not exhibited and not published

The game of art is a recurring feature in the history of art; a reference point for anthropology and aesthetics, and an element that represents every society and culture. And now this game has returned with even more complexity and facets in the search for contemporary artists.
Just think of the twentieth century, when avant-garde movements, like Futurism or Dada, experimented with concepts of irony, being lost, huge steps forward; even decontextualisation of the object/work. With these unexpected and apparently illogical actions, the artists provoked their audience into making their own position on this art, answering to it, reacting and interpreting the new languages of art they were presented with; playing the game.

A carefully selected jury consisting of well-known personalities chosen from the following fields:
- Art criticism
- Journalism
- Academia
- Art Collecting
- Enterprise
- Architecture and design
- New media

First prize: €30,000
Second prize: €7,000
Third prize: €3,000
Exhibition and Publishment
The opportunity for a year long working partnership with ARTEINGENUA (projects and cultural events)

Entry Fee

Colour photo print (dimensions min. 10x10, max. 30x30) and Description of each work (no more than 1000 keystrokes including spaces)

The exhibition, adjudication and award ceremony will take place in an important venue in Italy yet to be decided.


Official Website