Brexit Monuments An Architectural Competition

To design a monument, architectural structure, or piece of public art that discusses the themes of lost European co-operation.

Category Project Competition
Type International, Project, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous
Genre Monument
Country Paris, France
RegDeadline 26 January 2018 GoogleCal iCal
26 January 2018 (via Online)
Eligibility All

As part of our 2017/18 research theme discussing the infrastructural implications of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union, the school has launched an international architecture competition entitled 'Brexit Monuments'.
The Eurotunnel (providing rail services connecting London to Paris and Brussels), constructed between 1988 and 1994 is an important example of european infrastructural co-operation that emerged from a political ideologue that appears to become increasingly distant, or even impossible to imagine today.
'Brexit Monuments' proposes an architectural engagement with this particularly loaded political issue, a monument to Brexit, located next to the Channel Tunnel entrances in either (or both) France or the UK and visible to travellers using the Eurostar service between London and Paris.

Not yet announced

Budget: €20,000
The winning entry will also receive an honourarium of €500.

Entry Fee

All entries will be exhibited at the Paris School of Architecture in an open public event in September 2018.


Official Website