DETAIL Prize 2016

This prize is awarded to future-oriented, innovative and pioneering projects that have outstanding architectural and technical qualities.

Category Award
Type International, Award, Open, Single-Stage
Genre Architecture, Interior, Structure
Country Germany
RegDeadline 30 June 2016 GoogleCal iCal
30 June 2016 (via Online)
Eligibility All
Target Field Projects of all building types completed anywhere in the world after 1 January 2013

- DETAIL Prize
A building which is in particularly well-designed, future-oriented and has technically innovative details within an outstanding overall design.
- DETAIL Readers' Prize
The favored project of DETAIL readership, selected in an online vote.
-Special prizes-
- DETAIL inside
A particularly exemplary project of architecture, interior design and construction. Architects, interior designers and designers are addressed here.
- DETAIL structure
An outstanding project with exceptional solution that has been developed in close collaboration between civil engineers and architects. The price is in addition to architects civil engineers and structural engineers.

Not yet announced

Trophy money: 5,000 €

Entry Fee


Jury meeting, Munich: 19.07.2016
DETAIL Readers' Prize (online voting ): 01.09. – 14.10.2016
Presentation of the winner projects, Awards Ceremony and Gala, Berlin: 11.11.2016

DETAIL magazine

Official Website