Gould Competition

Transform the existing Gould Street corridor of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada into a pedestrianized environment

Category Idea Competition / Open to Students
Type International Urban Design Idea Competition
Genre Cityscape
Country Canada
RegDeadline 17 Sep 2007 GoogleCal iCal
17 Sep 2007 (Must be Received)
Eligibility Any individual or group who are students and registered in an academic institution

Students are being asked to design Gould Street as an urban and campus space serving the needs of the communities who use this space for daily movements and special events. The competition is intended to produce visionary ideas for the transformation of streets that respond/react to the Toronto Official Plan and the Ryerson University Master Plan (2007).
You are being challenged to provide conceptual designs for a strong pedestrian-focused street that enhances the existing buildings and spaces along the street. The existing landscaping and city standards are to be reimagined with your proposal, suggesting how Ryerson and the city of Toronto may change more of its streets based on your ideas. Your design should be inclusive of all users for both the road and sidewalk (both vehicular, human-powered) and should propose, where appropriate, traffic-calming measures or "shared streets concepts" that will all students of Ryerson, visitors and residents of the city of Toronto for years to come.

Daniel Egan (Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure Unit, City of Toronto)
Urban Designer/Planner (to be determined, City of Toronto)
Thomas Kong (Assistant Professor, Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects (2006) School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
Anders Nereim (Associate Professor, Chair, Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects (1989) School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
Manuel Ravinsky (Ryerson University

Competition Type
One-Stage, Anonymous Competition

1st: $5,000
2nd: $2,500
3rd: $1,000
3 honourable mentions
The top three awards and the honourable mentions will also receive a free registration to Walk21 Toronto 2007 conference in Toronto during October 1 to 4, 2007.

Entry Fee

One sheet of A1 size paper and a CD/DVD of their work in a digital format, and one-sided A4 sheet (12 point, double-spaced) explaining the design concept

Jury Selection: September 22, 2007
Walk21 Toronto 2007 Conference: October 01-04, 2007
Announcement of Winner: October 02, 2007 (at the Ted Rogers School of Management Ryerson University)
Announcement of Winner: October 04, 2007 (at the Walk21 Toronto 2007 Conference)

Ryerson University, City of Toronto

Official Website