Design Competition for Hanyangdoseong Museum (Hoehyeon Section on Namsan Mountain)

Seoul Metropolitan Government announces a call for entry as below for the architectural design competition aimed to foster Hanyangdoseong On-site Museum in the Hoehyeon Section at the Foot of Namsan Mountain.

Category Project Competition
Type International, Project, Open, Single-Stage
Genre Museum
Country Seoul, Korea
RegDeadline 7 March 2017 GoogleCal iCal
27 March 2017 GoogleCal
Eligibility All experts in architecture, landscaping and urban designing

Seoul Metropolitan Government announces a call for entry as below for the architectural design competition aimed to foster Hanyangdoseong On-site Museum in the Hoehyeon Section at the Foot of Namsan Mountain.
Area of Site: 43,630.69m²
Facility Use: Museum of On-site Relics (Relic excavation and preservation protection and exhibition pavilion, protection facility)
Design Scope:
- Scope of available construction: Approx. 900~2,000m² or so including the required pavilion installation arena
- Gross floor area of auxiliary buildings(Management Office, Info Center,e etc) : 148.2m² or less

Shanghai Lee, an Endowed Chair Professor at Kookmin University and Chairperson of Korean Cultural Heritage Committee
Seunghyun, Yoon, Ted Architects
Oh, Chong Hyeon, a vice president of the Korean Society for Environment and Ecology, a member of the National Parks Committee, a member of the Korean Committee of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Area, and a member of the National Agricultural and Cultural Heritage Committee
Inseok Yoon, Professor, Dept. of Architectural Engineering Sung Kyun Kwan University
Cho, Nam-ho, the principal architect of Soltozibin Architecture and an architect for Seoul Public Architects
Lim, Do Kyun (Preparatory Jury), Luyoun Architects

Winner : design execution rights (Design Fee Budget: 284 million KRW)
2nd Prize Winner : 18million KRW
3rd Prize Winner : 10million KRW

Entry Fee

Announcement of Winners : Apr 21, Fri. 2017
Expected Construction Start and End Date: 2018 Jan - 2018 Dec

Seoul Metropolitan Government

Official Website