IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals 2017

The goal of enhancing the human experience and appreciation of sports, leisure and recreation and the need to ensure equal, dignified and functional access to sport and leisure facilities are fundamental to the IOC, IPC and IAKS. T

Category Idea Competition / Open to Students
Type International, Idea, Students and Age Restriction, Single-Stage, Onymous
Genre Sports
Country Cologne, Germany
RegDeadline 30 April 2017 GoogleCal iCal
30 April 2017 (Must be Received or via Online)
Eligibility Students must have completed their basic courses or passed their intermediate diploma examinations or obtained their B.A. degrees. All participants must be under the age of 30 years.

The goal of enhancing the human experience and appreciation of sports, leisure and recreation and the need to ensure equal, dignified and functional access to sport and leisure facilities are fundamental to the IOC, IPC and IAKS. This includes access for all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities, as well as the protection of the environment through skilful design, the use of materials, and creativity.
For many cities aspiring to become healthy places with pleasant living conditions, sports, leisure and recreational facilities are becoming increasingly important. The IOC, IPC and IAKS are calling on young architects and designers to dedicate their enthusiasm and imagination in the creation of areas and spaces for active life-styles.
In recent years, the IOC has placed an increased focus on youth participation in sport through a number of activities. It is the shared aspiration of the IOC, IPC and IAKS for young architects who create sporting environments for all citizens at an early stage in their career will continue this practice in later years so that inclusive design becomes second nature to them.

Not yet announced

Gold: 1,000 euros
Silver: 500 euros
Bronze: 300 euros

Entry Fee

The prize-giving ceremony for the awards will be on 7th November 2017 at the 25th IAKS Congress in Cologne.

Past winners

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS)

Official Website