The Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2017




最小のエネルギーで最大の効果を得るための技術やシステムを用い、人類にとって最も緊急を要する問題に対する短時間の解決を可能にするソリューションを支援するために毎年$100,000を支給する。包括的で先見性を備え、エコロジカルで検証可能性と複製可能性をもつ実行可能なソリューションで なくてはならない。

カテゴリ アワード / 学生が参加できるコンペ / コンペ結果
タイプ International, Award, Open, Three-Stage, Anonymous
ジャンル Design-Science
開催地 United States
登録締切日 31 March 2017 (See "Entry Fee" below) GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 31 March 2017 (via Online)
応募資格 18 years of age or older

Winning the Fuller Challenge requires more than a stand-alone idea or innovation that focuses on one aspect of a system failure. BFI looks for holistic strategies that demonstrate a clear grasp of the big-picture dynamics influencing your intervention. If a proposal emphasizes a new design, material, process, service, tool or technology, it is essential that it be part of an integrated strategy that deals effectively with key social, environmental and economic factors.
BFI seeks initiatives that tackle urgent needs at a range of scales: from macro-strategies that have the potential for widespread, tangible impacts, to local, community-based initiatives with global relevance and replicability.
Entries must meet the following criteria:
- Visionary: put forth an original idea or synthesize existing ideas into a new strategy that creatively addresses a critical need
- Comprehensive: apply a “whole-systems” approach to the design and implementation process; aim to address multiple goals, requirements and conditions in a holistic way
- Anticipatory: factor in critical future trends and needs as well as the projected impacts of implementation in the short and long term
- Ecologically Responsible: reflect nature’s underlying principles while enhancing the ability for natural systems to regenerate
- Feasible: rely on current technology, existing resources and a solid team capable of implementing the project
- Verifiable: able to withstand rigorous testing and make authentic claims
- Replicable: able to be adapted to similar conditions elsewhere
Winning initiatives integrate these criteria into powerful design solutions that have the potential to play a significant role in the transition to an equitable and sustainable future for all.


The winner (individual or team) will receive a $100,000 cash prize to support the on-going development and implementation of their winning solution.

Entry Fee
US $200
(Early bird discount: US $150)
For Non-Profit Organizations: US $100
$100 for individuals, profit enterprises
$50 for nonprofits or initiatives with budgets under $100k annually
$25 for students

Ten required application questions and two optional questions; the word limits range from 50 to 250 words

Past winners

The Buckminster Fuller Institute

Official Website