Chuck Berry Museum and Cultural District RFP

1950年代にチャック・ ベリーが住んでいた住宅の周辺一帯を、彼のミュージアムを中心に再生させる提案を募集。

カテゴリ 実施コンペ
タイプ International, Project, RfP, Open
ジャンル Museum
開催地 St. Louis, United States
登録締切日 10 July 2017 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 10 July 2017 (Must be Received)
応募資格 Qualified, multi-disciplinary, asset-backed, development teams (consisting of financiers, museum operators, developers, architects, planners, exhibit designers, cultural anthropologists, etc.)

The Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (LCRA) is issuing a public Request for Proposals (RFP) for redevelopment of the Land Reutilization Authority (LRA) owned property at 3137 Whittier Street and surrounding LRA properties (the “Property”). Respondents (the “Respondent”) should be clear that the intention of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified, multi-disciplinary, asset-backed, development teams (consisting of financiers, museum operators, developers, architects, planners, exhibit designers, cultural anthropologists, etc.) who will contract to purchase the Property from LRA, enter into a redevelopment agreement with LCRA, and redevelop the Property according to the requirements contained in this RFP; as well as collaborate with SLDC to revitalize the surrounding area through the use of a community improvement district and community benefits agreements.
Located just two blocks south of Fairground Park near the intersection of Fair Avenue and Whittier Street (a.k.a. Chuck Berry Way), the minimum area of intervention consists of mostly residential properties in fair to poor condition with small corner commercial structures. 3137 Whittier Street (a.k.a. Chuck Berry Home) is highlighted in relationship to the Ville Local Historic District.
Also shown above, the improvements area represents the minimum area for which a respondent is expected to make public improvements related to the intervention. Agency‐held (LRA) properties and privately‐held properties may be utilized as part of the proposal; however, the selected respondent would ultimately be responsible for the acquisition of any privately‐held properties.

Not yet announced

The Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (LCRA)

Official Website