Design for Poverty International Contest

デザイン関連ウェブマガジンのYanko DesignがBlog Action Day(年に一日、世界中で同じ話題を取り上げるイベントで、今年のテーマは貧困)と連携して行うデザインコンペ。デザインの力で貧困を解消する新しいアイディアを募集。例として携帯用浄水器や軽量シェルターが挙げられている。

カテゴリ アイディアコンペ / 学生が参加できるコンペ
タイプ International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage
ジャンル Architecture, Product
開催地 Canada
登録締切日 10 October 2008 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 10 October 2008 (via Online)
応募資格 18 years or older

Global issues like poverty are extremely complex. There is no simple, clear answer. By asking thousands of different people to give their viewpoints and opinions, Blog Action Day creates an extraordinarily lens through which to view these issues.
Yanko Design wants you to put on your thinking caps and use design to address poverty; a solution or artistic social commentary. We want you to show how the power of design can bring unity and speak up for the hundreds of millions that can’t. We’ve seen wonderful examples of this in the past; portable water bottle filters and lightweight shelter modules to name a few. What can you come up with?

Select members of Yanko Design spanning many fields of design

Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards will be given to the top three. Additional honorary awards will be given to select entries.
There will be prizes thanks to our sponsors but will be kept secret until the winners are announced.

Entry Fee

Sketches, renderings, and descriptions (no more than 1000 words)

10 finalists will be announced: October, 15, 2008 on Blog Action Day
Winners announcement: October 20, 2008 on Yanko Design

Yanko Design

Official Website