Fassa Bortolo Domus restoration and preservation - 5th Edition

コンペ結果 Japanese Flag

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日本からは、須磨一清の『koya』がHonourable Mentionsを受賞しています。



カテゴリ アワード / コンペ結果
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage , Anonymous
ジャンル Conservation
開催地 Italy
登録締切日 31 October 2015 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 30 November 2015 (via Online) GoogleCal
応募資格 All

The International Architectural Restoration Prize entitled “Fassa Bortolo Domus restoration and preservation”, conceived and promoted in 2010 by Fassa S.r.l., owners of the “Fassa Bortolo” brand, and by the Ferrara University Department of Architecture to celebrate its twentieth anniversary, was established for the purpose of rewarding and promoting to the public at large architectural restoration works that have managed to best interpret the preservation principles shared by the scientific community, including through the use of contemporary forms of expression.
The prize is held annually and is divided into two sections.
It has been decided to alternate the two section every 2 years as follows:
- entries submitted as “theses”: candidates considered by the jury to be award-worthy for specific aspects will be awarded Gold and Silver medals
- entries submitted as “built projects”: designers from both the private or public sector and the restoration companies that completed the works will be awarded Gold and Silver medals

Riccardo Dalla Negra (Chairman); - Camilla Mileto
Gisella Capponi
Carla Di Francesco
Marcello Balzani (Secretary)

One gold medal of “built projects” : 5,000.00 euro
Two silver medalsof “built projects” : 2,500.00 euro each

Entry Fee

2 vertical A1 size drawings included:
A short curriculum of the designer, company
A data sheet identifying the completed project
A short report and general and technical-descriptive report (maximum 17,000 characters of text)
A description of the project before and after the restoration work
A minimum of 12 significant photographs

The winners notification: by March 2016

Past winners

Fassa S.r.l. and the Ferrara University Department of Architecture

Official Website