INFO POINT - Competition for Architects under 35


460 works were submitted.

1st Prize
Alberto Garcia Castro, Juan Jose Cruz, Ismael Paez Jurado (Spain)

2nd Prize
Kakhaber Kakhishvili (Georgia)

3rd Prize
Andrea Veglia, Luca Rocca, Francesca Thiébat, Benedetta Veglia, Jacopo Testa (Italy)

1st Honourable mention
Cristina Cardinale, Mario Augusti, Stefania Campochiaro, Tania Castagno, Valentina Murgia, Tullia Ricciardi (Italy)

2nd Honourable mention
Daniele Mancini, Andrea Cattabriga, Bruno Losengo, Irene Rinaldi (Italy)

3th Honourable mention
Spiros I. Papadimitriou, Sebastian Duque, Roubini Makridou (Greece)

View the full list of winners and participants.


35歳未満の若手建築家を対象に、UIA2008トリノ大会における INFO POINT(案内所?)のアイディアを募集する。Info Point は、案内所、展示スペース、屋外ラウンジ、ショップなどで構成され、80〜100m2、高さ4m以内。

カテゴリ 実施コンペ / コンペ結果
タイプ Architecture Project Competition
ジャンル Public, Temporary-Structure
開催地 Torino
登録締切日 25 March 2008 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 25 March 2008 (via Online)
応募資格 Architects worldwide, who are less than 35 years of age

This ideas competition is organised in the framework of the UIA Congress Turin 2008, illustrating the theme: transmitting architecture.
The aim is to create a UIA information point in the city of Turin, a place, dedicated to urban democracy where people can meet, relax.
To be designed as a public house for architecture, info point will be usable both day and night, when open and closed. Of a maximum surface of 100 M2, it will be built of recyclable eco-friendly materials and be equipped with communication technologies.

Luca Molinari, architect, Italy;
Maria Theodorou, architect, Greece;
George Kunihiro, architect, Japan;
Reuben Mutiso, architect, Kenya;
Jennifer Lee, architect, USA;
Representative of the Municipality of Turin;
Representative of the Piedmont Region.

Judging Process
One-Stage, Anonymous Competition

First prize: 10 000 euro
Second prize: 5000 euro
Third prize: 3 000 euro
The winning project will be realised in Turin for the UIA Congress.

Entry Fee

3 sheets in A3 format

Opening of the period for activation, by the participants, of the telematic procedure for registration and simultaneous transmission of the documents: 4 March 2008
Closing of the period for the activation by the participants of the telematic procedure for registration and simultaneous transmission of the documents: 11 March 2008
Announcement of the results: 10 April 2008
Exhibition of the projects in Torino: 30 Jun – 3 July 2008
Prize giving ceremony: 2 July 2008 during the XXIII UIA World Congress of Architecture Torino 2008

XXIII UIA World Congress of Architecture TORINO 2008

Official Website