Training and Teaching Centre for Sustainable Development Professionals


カテゴリ 実施コンペ
タイプ International, Project, Open, Anonymous
ジャンル Architecture, Education
開催地 Chwiter, Morocco
登録締切日 6 April 2010 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 25 June 2010 (Must be Received) GoogleCal
応募資格 Architects

This is a call for candidatures to be followed by an anonymous project competition, by invitation. The jury will select 4 to 6 teams to compete on the basis of the elements contained in the candidature.
Any team from any country can submit a candidature. Each team applying will be composed of:

- an architect who will head his/her team
- an engineering consulting firm for fluids and thermics which can perform construction management
- an engineering consulting firm for structures
- a landscape designer
- an engineering consulting firm for infrastructures

The team should include a Moroccan architect licensed to practice in Morrocco. If not possible at the time of the competition, this architect will be included in the development (project management) contract.
The competition languages are French and English.

Alami Lazraq, Head of Groupe Alliances
Saïd Mouline, General Director of the Centre for renewable energies in Morrocco
Robert Lyon, Fondation Alliances for sustainable development, France
Ms Dominique Gauzin-Müller, architect, France; Fabrizzio Tucci, architect, Italy
Albert Dubler, architect, France, UIA representative
Nikos Fintikakis, architect, Greece; a local community representative
Morroccan architects representative

Each team selected to compete will be paid 15,000 euros.
Prizes will be awarded to the best three projects:
First prize: 30,000 euros
Second prize: 20,000 euros
Third prize: 10,000 euros.

Entry Fee

Candidatures shall include:
- a form identifying the head architect and his team (nationality and contact details including telephone and fax number, and email)
- an up to date copy of every legal document relative to the license to practice architecture
- a valid insurance certificate for professional risks
- References to 5 similar projects (1 A3 sheet per project, presenting the client, the cost of construction, the brief and the energetic efficiency)
- a listing over the last five years of projects, both complete and under-construction.
- a description of the candidate's resources (human, technical, financial)
- a covering letter explaining the motivations and proposed organisation of the team
- a powerpoint file presenting the team and each of the 5 projects used as references.

Submission Address
Competition Secretariat:
Éo-cité – 4 cité Paradis – 75010 Paris

Selection of the competing teams: 9 April 2010
Deadline for reception of dispatched projects: 2 July 2010
Deadline for reception of models: 9 July 2010
Jury meeting: 16 July 2010.

Fondation Alliances

Official Website