Venice CityVision Competition


カテゴリ アイディアコンペ / 学生が参加できるコンペ
タイプ International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous
ジャンル Urban
開催地 Venice, Italy
登録締切日 27 May 2011 (See "Entry Fee" below) GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 6 June 2011 (via Online)
応募資格 Architects, engineers, designers, students and creatives

The Italian city manifests a consistent absence of Contemporary Urban Planning and relatively ineffective architectural intervention. The objective of the competition is to drive your imagination, by the use of new materials, eco- technologies, parametric software and territorial organizations for a future vision of the city of Venice. Globalization, environmental concerns, the future historiography of the city, adaptability and emerging digital practices are some of the elements that should be taken into consideration.
Venice CityVision Competition focuses on the revealing of the urban context as a newly launched syntax of diverse terms. If one imagines the existing area as the creational canvas then on a mixture of Baroque and Renaissance fragments, one is invited to propose an original dialogue, an advanced element, as if inserting a new exhibit in an ever-existing museum.
Aiming to highlight the intense water border, that divides the vertical body of the city in two parts – above and underneath it - the proposals given should reinterpret the symbiosis, the antithesis or even the collaboration of the three parts: the lower and upper urban segments, as well as the in-between limit.

NERI OXMAN (Material Ecology)
ELENA MANFERDINI (Atelier Manferdini)
MARIA LUDOVICA TRAMONTIN (Università di Cagliari)

1st place: € 2,000
2nd place:€ 1,000
6 Honorable Mentions

Entry Fee
50€ (early registration: before the 04th April, 2011)
70€ (before the 27th May, 2011)

2 boards of project in A2 and a report in A4 format maximum 2 pages

Announcement of results: June 2011
Projects exhibition, Awards Ceremony and Conference: September 2011

Past winners

City Vision Magazine

Official Website