
カテゴリ 実施コンペ
タイプ International, Project, Open, Two-Stage, Onymous
ジャンル Urban
開催地 Moscow, Russia
登録締切日 12 September 2014 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 12 September 2014
応募資格 All professionals in in the field of urban planning , architecture which can bring specialists in the field of transport infrastructure, cultural programming, economics, sociology and ecology in the team

The achieving a general concept of development in a coherent system of interrelated areas adjacent to the Moscow river, turning the river of “barrier” in the “link” in the city structure.
As a result of the transformation of urban planning should be the raising the quality of the urban environment, urban efficiency potential of the territories adjacent to the river.
By solving the following tasks:
- Reorganization of the embankments of the priority of formation of public spaces
- Ensuring permeability and improving links between adjacent areas and river
- Improving the quality and comfort of the urban environment, improving the appearance of the territories in order to improve the overall image of the city and making it more attractive for residents and tourists
- Improving the environment through the rehabilitation of the river and its valley complex
- Improvement of investment prospects for the relevant areas through the enhancement of market value of existing and planned real estate assets

Marat Husnullin (Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow government on urban planning and construction)
Natalia Sergunina (Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on economic  policy and land property)
Sergey Kuznetsov (The Chief Architect of the Moscow city)
Sergey Kapkov (Minister of the Moscow Government, the head of the Moscow  Department of culture)
Alexandr Kibovskiy (Minister of the Moscow Government, the head of the Moscow  Department of cultural heritage)
Anton Kulbachevskiy (The head of the Moscow Department of natural resources and environment)
Oleg Shapiro (Candidate of architecture, partner of the architectural bureau Wowhaus)
Kristin Feireiss (Architecture critic and expert, founder of the independent architectural forum Aedes)
Hans Stimman (A member of the architectural Council of Moscow, in the past – the Chief Architect of Berlin)
Ma Liang Wei (Vice President and President  Town Planner of the Beijing Municipal Institute)
Bertrand Lemoine (Architect, research director at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research))
Jordi Ludevid i Anglada (President of the Supreme Council of boards of architects of Spain (СSAE))
Martin Joseph Barry (Founder of reSITE in Prague, Associate at W Architecture in New York, specializing in city embankments)
Alfonso Vegara (Founder and president Fundacion Metropoli)

Each of the 6 teams paid a reward of 111 000 $ with VAT as a compensation for the development of a concept.
The winner will be involved as a consultant in the further development of the project. The terms will be determined in the separate contract. The fee of the contract is 6 000 000 (six million) rubles.

Entry Fee

- An explanatory note with justification for proposals and schemes in a 1: 5000 scale
- explanatory note proposals for the development division into stages - primary activities (2015 2016gg.) estimated (2017-2025 gg.), perspective (up to 2035 .), and maps (charts) describing the proposals for the development of M 1: 5000

Russian and English

Selecting 6 teams who will take part in the stage 2 : 18.09.14 – 19.08.14
Participants’s work on Competitive offers: 22.09.14 — 03.12.14
Determination of the winner: 15.12.14 – 16.12.14

The Government of Moscow
Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development
Genplan Institute of Moscow

Official Website