カテゴリ | 実施コンペ |
タイプ | International, Project, RfQ , Open |
ジャンル | Landscape |
開催地 | Hamilton, Canada |
登録締切日 | 27 April 2017 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 27 April 2017 (via Online) |
応募資格 | All |
This is a Request for Prequalification for Consulting Services for the Pier 8 Waterfront Promenade Park. Successful Applicants of this RFPQ will be invited to submit to a limited design competition request for proposal to determine the successful proponent to complete the detailed design and implementation of their successful design proposal.
This RFPQ will evaluate the consultant design team which shall be led by a qualified Landscape Architecture consulting firm and the Principal and designated Project Leader that are full member(s) of the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA) with seal. The Landscape Architect shall be the prime consultant and shall lead the Applicant’s consultant team, with the requisite qualifications, experience, and understanding of the complexities of the Pier 8 Waterfront Promenade Park site, to successfully complete a preliminary design as part of a limited design competition and to implement that design within the allowable construction budget (upset limit). The design and implementation of the park shall be coordinated by Waterfront Development, Landscape Architectural Services, and Parks & Cemeteries, as key City stakeholders. The prime consultant (Landscape Architect) and sub-consultant/in-house disciplines (Architect, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural, Cost Surveyor, other) shall coordinate and collaborate with the Shorewall Reconstruction Consultant, and other consultants retained by the City for the design development and detailed design of the park amenities related to the buildings, grading, lighting, drainage and site servicing.
Construction Complete: Spring 2019
City of Hamilton