AACA 1st International Competition 2012

カテゴリ アイディアコンペ / 学生が参加できるコンペ
タイプ International, Idea, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous
ジャンル Cityscape, Landscape, Urban
開催地 Japan
登録締切日 30 July 2012 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 14 September 2012 (Must be Postmarked) GoogleCal
応募資格 All

As a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami that occurred last year, many people undoubtedly feel that their values have changed after seeing the destruction of so many urban and village landscapes in the blink of an eye.We have lost innumerable cherished landscapes through such natural disasters. However, we have also lost countless landscapes not just through natural disasters but as a result of human action, for “urban redevelopment” and other reasons.
The goal of this competition is to encourage the creation of attractive urban landscapes, using the power of ideas and skill in architecture, art, craftsmanship and so on. Just as a simple word can bring about a major change in someoneʼ s life, a single sculpture, or a single tree, or a single witty idea may be able to help revitalize an entire community.
You may think that it is somehow unavoidable that our streets are dirty, that itʼ s not your responsibility, or that a single person cannot do anything to change the situation. If so, we invite you to propose a new idea, one not bound by conventional thinking. Design a new trashcan, or the seats at a bus stop, or the color of a road. Change a tiny corner that you never noticed before, or come up with a bold proposal to change the entire landscape. In other words: be creative.

Taro Ashihara
Sosuke Fujimoto
Kashiwa Sato
Kaoru Mende

Grand prize (1): JPY 300,000
Outstanding design award (3): JPY 50,000
Award of merit (5): Certificate
Special jury award (4): Certificate

Entry Fee
JPY 3,000 per entry
Student or younger: JPY 1,000 per entry

One A2 size poster

Announcement of results: October 5

aaca (Japan Association Of Artists Craftsman & Architects)

Official Website