カテゴリ | 実施コンペ |
タイプ | International, Project, Open, Two-Stage |
ジャンル | Art, Lighting |
開催地 | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
登録締切日 | 11 March 2016 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 11 March 2016 (via Online) |
応募資格 | All |
As one of the most successful light festivals we realize that we owe our success to you, the Artist. It is why The Guardian ranked us #1 of the top ten of light festivals of Europe: because of our festival's "eclectic" character. Our unique way of selecting artworks is exactly what offers the audience this fantastic variety of Light Art: everyone can submit his or her idea, and everyone's concept is considered seriously.
The Amsterdam Light Festival presents two different exhibition routes in the public space of Amsterdam, each with specific characteristics.
1. A boat route named WATER COLORS that goes along artworks which are floating on the water (such as the canals of historic Amsterdam) or are installed right next to it or above the water.
2. A walking route named ILLUMINADE with artworks that are staged around a park-like setting.
You can submit an artwork for one of these exhibitions only. You can – of course – submit as many artworks as you like.
Not yet announced
- For the Water Colors route, There are three budget categories:
25,000 euro or less
between 25,000 euro and 50,000 euro
between 50,000 euro and 75,000 euro
The total budget for around 20 Water Colors artworks is approximately 600,000 euro.
- For the Illuminade, we provide a maximum budget of 12,500 euro per artwork.
Approximately 15 artworks will be selected for the Illuminade.
Entry Fee
35 euro
A maximum of two PowerPoint pages including visuals
Deadline Submissions Round2: 18 April 2016
Announcement of the 35 winners selected: 26 April 2016
All winners come to Amsterdam for the kick-off meeting and a site visit: 18- 20 May 2016
The fifth edition of the Amsterdam Light Festival: from end of November 2016 till January 2017
Amsterdam Light Festival