AR Pop-up: Awards for temporary structures


カテゴリ アワード
タイプ International, Award
ジャンル Temporary-Structure
開催地 UK
登録締切日 12 December 2016 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 12 December 2016 (via Online)
応募資格 All
対象作品 Pop-ups must have been designed and built to last for less than 10 years.

Presenting an exciting new award for pop-up architecture! The Architectural Review is seeking the best temporary structures from the past five years for a new award with a £3,000 prize. From temporary pavilions to art installations and public interventions, we want to find the most exciting example of pop-up architecture in the world. The winners and shortlist will be featured in a full-building study in the AR on print and online.

Pop-ups must have been designed and built to last for less than 10 years. Your project can be still standing or already dismantled. Simply send us photos and drawings of your project via the simple online entry form. Your pop–up may be gone, but we'll make sure it's not forgotten. We'll be considering its impact during its short life.


Entry Fee
£199 +VAT


Official Website