Barbican Renewal


カテゴリ 実施コンペ
タイプ International, Project, Restricted, Two-Stage
ジャンル Culture-Center
開催地 London, UK
登録締切日 21 October 2021 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 21 October 2021 (via Online)
応募資格 The selection criteria for stage 1 is based on relevant experience and project examples, ability to meet the brief and equality and inclusion.

The Barbican Centre is one of London's most ambitious and unique architectural achievements; it is a global icon of brutalist architecture, renowned for its scale of ambition and consistency of design.
The Barbican's development was a visionary project, with architects Chamberlin, Powell and Bon seizing the opportunity to propose a radical transformation of how we live. We're seeking a team that can work in a similarly bold and creative way to deliver an exemplar to the world of how a heritage building can be renewed.
There's a pressing need to make changes to the Barbican building so that it continues to meet the needs of 21st century artists, audiences and communities. We're looking for a team that can develop design solutions that will preserve and respect the complex's original architectural vision and heritage, while adapting it to respond to the creative opportunities and urgent challenges of today's world.

Not yet announced

An honorarium of £20,000 will be provided to each of the five shortlisted bidders.

Entry Fee

Invitations to tender issued: mid-November 2021
Bidders information event: late November (exact date TBC)
Deadline for Tender Submissions: December 2021
Interviews: January 2022
Design team appointed: February 2022

The City of London Corporation

Official Website