Renewal of Budapest Railway Station and its surroundings - International Architectural Design Contest


カテゴリ 実施コンペ
タイプ International, Project, Open, Single-Stage, Onymous
ジャンル Redevelopment, Station, Urban
開催地 Budapest, Hungary
登録締切日 8 November 2021 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 1 March 2022 (via Online) GoogleCal
応募資格 Team of architects that are prepared to perform the tasks related to the preparation of a complex and large-scale project

Nyugati Railway Station is both one of the most significant railway monuments and the busiest transport hub in Hungary, the most valuable development area of Budapest's city center. Its planning is therefore a complex task, requiring a unified approach to transport-infrastructure, urban development, architecture and landscape architecture.
The objective of the architectural design contest is to select the team of architects that
- are prepared to perform the tasks related to the preparation of a complex and large-scale project;
- regard the conditions of the location and the confines of the railway operation as sources of creativity;
- are able to implement visionary thoughts with an engineering precision;
- are able to mobilise multifaceted expertise;
- possess the necessary knowledge and ambition to design a world class building complex;
- unify innovative perceptions and have respect for traditions; and
- possess expertise that spans over all phases of the architectural design.

Dr. Balázs Fürjes
Zsolt Füleky
Dávid Vitézy
Gyöngyvér Iványi
Dr. Lászlo Mosóczi
Marianne Szetei Szőke
Zoltán Erő
Máté Győrffy
Adrienn Sági
Katalin Massányi
Anthony Gall
Katalin Csilag
László Molnár
Bálint Dományi
László Somodi
Csaba Tóth
Judit Z. Halmágyi
Anthony Dewar
Mojmir Nejezchleb
Tihamér Scaly
Sándor Fegyverneky

Design contract

Entry Fee

Announcement of results: 31st March, 2022

Budapest Development Agency

Official Website