The Daylight Award 2019


カテゴリ アワード
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage
ジャンル Daylight
開催地 Denmark
登録締切日 1 November 2019 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 1 November 2019 (via Online)
応募資格 All

The Daylight Award honours and supports daylight research and daylight in architecture, for the benefit of human health, well-being and the environment. The award puts specific emphasis on the interrelation between theory and practice.
The Daylight Award is given every second year in two categories; Daylight Research and Daylight in Architecture.
The award is given as two personal prizes, and each to the sum of €100,000
1. Daylight Research
The Daylight Award for Research is awarded to individuals or smaller groups of scientists who have distinguished themselves as outstanding contributors to internationally recognised daylight research. It acknowledges highly original and influential advances in the areas of natural science, human science or social science, with special emphasis on the effects of daylight on human health, well-being and performance.
2. Daylight in Architecture
The Daylight Award for Architecture is awarded to one or more architects or other professionals who have distinguished themselves by realising architecture or creating urban environments that showcase unique use of daylight. Special emphasis will be put on architecture that considers the overall quality of life, its impact on human health, well-being and performance, and its value to society.

Not yet announced

Each of the laureates receives a €100,000 grant, a formal nomination certificate and a glass medallion with inscription.

Entry Fee

The laureates will be announced on the UN/UNESCO `International Day of Light´, 16 May 2020.

Past winners


Official Website