Designing the Parks Awards 2010


カテゴリ アワード
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous
ジャンル Landscape, Public
開催地 United States
登録締切日 23 April 2010 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 30 April 2010 (Must be Postmarked) GoogleCal
応募資格 All
対象作品 Public Park and Public Open Space projects

The Designing the Parks bicoastal conference raised the level of discourse about the role, significance, and meaning of parks in public life and about the importance of defining a tangible future for park planning and design.
A significant next step in this initiative is to seek and recognize existing exemplary examples of these design principles through the Denver Service Center Design Awards Program. The goal of this program is twofold: First, we want to recognize, highlight, and publish planning and design solutions that best illustrate the principles as they emerged from the conferences. Second, we intend to build a web-based library of outstanding examples; through identification of tangible planning efforts and completed physical designs that characterize these principles, park managers and users will better understand their application and value. Finally, we anticipate that entries to the first few awards cycles will be critical in helping us further refine the guiding principles and begin to inform guidelines that help park managers, planners, and designers implement the principles in a practical, comprehensive, holistic way.

A. Master Plans (qualifies if adopted or approved by governing agency)
B. Design Guidelines (qualifies if adopted or approved by governing agency)
C. Site (qualifies if complete and open)
D. Structure (qualifies if complete and open for operation)
E. Transportation (qualifies if complete, open, and operational)

To be announced


Entry Fee

A minimum of 3 images and a maximum of 6 images and the project statement(up to 300 words)

Awards announcement: the beginning of July

The National Park Service’s Denver Service Center

Official Website