The Prize “Sustainable Architecture” Fassa Bortolo 2019


カテゴリ アワード
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage, Onymous
ジャンル Sustainability
開催地 Ferrara, Italy
登録締切日 20 December 2018 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 5 February 2019 (via Online) GoogleCal
応募資格 All
対象作品 The work must have been carried out and completed within the past 5 years.

The "Sustainable Architecture" Prize, founded and promoted in 2003 by Fassa S.p.A., registered holder of the trademark “Fassa Bortolo”, and Ferrara University Department of Architecture on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its founding, aims to reward and promote to a wide public architecture in harmony with the environment, designed for the needs of man and able to satisfy the needs of our generation without limiting those of future generations through the indiscriminate consumption of resources and production of pollution.
The Prize is therefore open to entries consisting of new constructions, the improvement and/or extension of existing buildings, landscaping projects and projects in any other area of real relevance to the issue of sustainability.

Thomas Herzog (Chairman)
Anne Lacaton
Xu Tian Tian
Theo Zaffagnini
Nicola Marzot (Secretary)

€ 3,000

Entry Fee
€ 120

Information of the results of the selection: the end of May 2019

Past winners

Fassa Bortolo

Official Website