Focus Open 2010


カテゴリ その他のコンペ
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage , Onymous
ジャンル Product
開催地 Germany
登録締切日 19 March 2010 (Must be Received) GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 12 April 2010 (Must be Received) GoogleCal
応募資格 Any manufacturer or designer of industrial series-manufactured products
対象作品 Any product which has not been on the market for longer than 2 years

16 Product categories
01. Production
02. Medicine
03. Bathrooms
04. Kitchen
05. Table and kitchen culture
06. Living
07. Contract furniture
08. Ambience, lifestyle
09. Lighting
10. Communication
11. Leisure, outdoor
12. Sport
13. Children, family
14. Architecture
15. Public design
16. Transport, traffic

Ralf Christoffer (Spirit Design, Austria)
Roland de Fries (Kuypers Branding, USA)
Prof. Matthias Held (Schwa¨bisch Gmünd College of Design, Germany)
Iris Laubstein (laubstein design management, Germany)
Christophe Marchand (Christophe Marchand Design, Switzerland)
Prof. Karin Schmidt-Ruhland (Burg Giebichenstein, Halle College of Art and Design, Germany)

Focus in Gold, Focus in Silver: exhibition and publication

Entry Fee
EUR 120

1 original product, 1 pre-production model or 1 prototype (Maximum dimensions: taking up 5 m2 floor space and/or weighing 100 kg) and a brochure and 1 or more digital photographs
Larger products can only be presented by arrangement or by means of photographs.

Submission Address
Phase I:
Design Center Stuttgart
Herrn Michael Kern
Willi-Bleicher-Strasse ∂9
D-70174 Stuttgart
Phase II:
Werkzentrum Benningen
Designpreis / Jury
Bahnhofstrasse 38
D-71726 Benningen am Neckar

Award-giving ceremony: October 2010 in the German state of Baden-Württemberg

Past winners

Design Center Stuttgart

Official Website