On Friday 20 April the Smart Cities Biennial Award ceremony took place at the NAI. An international jury selected 'Sendai Oasis - 1000 Rain Gardens' and 'Holland City - Inverted Metropolis' as the winning projects.
カテゴリ | アワード / コンペ結果 |
タイプ | International, Award, Open, Single-Stage, Onymous |
ジャンル | Urban |
開催地 | Rotterdam, the Netherlands |
登録締切日 | 1 April 2011 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 1 April 2011 (via Online) |
応募資格 | All |
対象作品 | A series of completed, ongoing or planned processes and projects |
The basic assumption of the 5th IABR, entitled Making City, is that massive worldwide urbanisation is inevitably forcing us to rethink the way we govern, plan and design our cities. As a consequence of continuing urbanization, ‘city making’ is presenting itself as one of the most effective, hands-on (political) instruments for responding to social challenges. However, as they have been conceived within the administrative context of the nation state, the existing planning principles and procedures are often failing to respond to current socio-economical, ecological and other challenges. Cities, metropolitan regions, and national planning authorities are therefore increasingly questioning these institutionalized planning recipes, while looking for and speculating on more effective principles for ‘city making’.
The 5th IABR: Making City is therefore focusing on ‘spatio-political innovation projects’ that rethink this established relationship and interaction between politics, planning and design, in order to develop more effective ways of responding to urban challenges. In this context, design is not just seen as a problem-solving device, to be deployed at the closing stages of the planning process, but as a guiding principle for conceiving and developing alternative political and planning principles. By short-circuiting urban challenges, political decision and design, the 5th IABR aims at stimulating more adequate constellations of alliances, design principles and governance.
George Brugmans, director of the IABR
Henk Ovink, director of National Spatial Planning for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the
Joachim Declerck, co-founder and the program director of the Architecture Workroom
Elma van Boxel and Kristian Koreman (curator Test Site Rotterdam), ZUS
Fernando de Mello Franco, Marta Moreira and Milton Braga (curator Test Site Sao Paulo), MMBB
Asu Aksoy (curator Test Site Istanbul), a researcher and a lecturer at Istanbul Bilgi University, Communications Faculty
Publication and Exhibition
Entry Fee
A dossier consisting of 3 A4 pages maximum
Make a selection of CounterSites: by 22 April 2011
Meeting between politicians, town planners, researchers and designers: the autumn of 2011
Ultimate arrival date of exhibition entries: 1 March 2012 in Rotterdam
Past winners
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
Official Website