NEWH Sustainable Design Competition 2016-2017

サステイナブルをテーマに行われる学生コンペの11回目。今年のテーマは、Sustainable Guest Experience – CO‐LIVING CONCEPT

カテゴリ アイディアコンペ / 学生が参加できるコンペ
タイプ International, Idea, Students, Single-Stage, Onymous
ジャンル Sustainability
開催地 United States
登録締切日 30 January 2017 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 30 January 2017 (via Online)
応募資格 Must be a currently enrolled student with current/upcoming debt through your school for tuition, books, or supplies at time of scholarship award in May 2017.

The NEWH Sustainable Design Competition provides students with the opportunity to showcase their design skills while utilizing the very best in sustainable design products and practices. Our sponsors have generously donated the awards – one to the winning undergraduate student and one to the winning graduate student and student airfare and lodging to the awards event.
Design competition project type and criteria changes annually. Students must execute a dynamic, creative, cutting edge design utilizing the very best products and technologies which encompass sustainable topics including: site selection, water efficiency, energy conservation, products/materials, and indoor environmental quality. In addition to the physical aspects of design, the functional daily use of the space and how the occupants can operate the facility in a sustainable manner such as encouraging recycling and reuse, water and energy conservation to create a truly sustainable business. All work must be student’s original work. Two students may work as a team on one project, but only one student award will be presented and travel/lodging for one student representative to be paid to the award presentation.
In addition to the criteria all submittals are judged as to their professional appearance.

Not yet announced

$5000 Award to the undergraduate student
$5000 Award to the graduate student or undergraduate’s school

Entry Fee

Winners awards event: May 3, 2017 in Las Vegas

The Hospitality Industry Network (NEWH)

Official Website