New Primary School in Chýně Competition


カテゴリ 実施コンペ
タイプ International, Project, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous
ジャンル School
開催地 Czech Republic
登録締切日 22 April 2015 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 29 April 2015 (Must be Received) GoogleCal
応募資格 All

The subject of the competition is the design of a new primary school to be located in the rapidly developing built-up part of Chýně (cadastral district Chýně) close to the park Višňovka. The township is prepared to invest 140 mil. CZK exclusive of VAT for construction of the school, this sum to include the built-in sections of the interior, exterior fittings and landscaping. Not included in this sum are connecting facilities or the possible phase 2 - the swimming pool and ancillary services for the school.
Chýně is in the close vicinity of Prague. During the last five years its population has grown rapidly. Today one of the most pressing problems that the whole municipality has to tackle is the insufficient capacity of their primary school. The new school should serve as a social, cultural, educational and sport center of the locality. An important part of the design is also the energy and economical concept and comfort of its future users, whether students, teachers or other inhabitants of the municipality. The design of a swimming pool and ancillary services is also part of the competition proposal.

Mgr. Anna Chvojková – Mayor
Ing. Petra Vacková – deputy Mayor
Mag.Arch., M.Arch.II Gabu Heindl
Ing. arch. Martina Buřičová
Ing. arch. MgA. Pavel Nasadil
Ing. arch. Ondřej Píhrt
Mgr. Ing. Petr Štěpánek

1st prize - 300,000 CZK
2nd prize - 150,000 CZK
3rd prize - 75,000 CZK
extra awards total - 75,000 CZK

Entry Fee

Aannouncement of results: 8th May 2015

District Government of Chýně

Official Website