カテゴリ | アワード |
タイプ | International, Grant, Restricted, Single-Stage |
ジャンル | Architecture |
開催地 | UK |
登録締切日 | 24 April 2020 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 24 April 2020 (via Online) |
応募資格 | Students must be enrolled in, and have successfully completed the first year of, a professional qualification in architecture in one of the schools of architecture invited to participate. |
"As a student, I won a prize that allowed me to spend a summer travelling through Europe and to study first-hand buildings and cities that I knew only from the pages of books. It was a revelation - liberating and exhilarating in so many ways.
"Today, it is the privilege of the Norman Foster Foundation to support the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, which I hope will have a lasting legacy - offering the chance for discovery and the inspiration for exciting new work - for generations to come."
The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship offers £7,000 to a student of architecture who demonstrates the potential for outstanding achievement and original thinking on issues that relate to the sustainable survival of cities and towns.
To be eligible, students must be enrolled in, and have successfully completed the first year of, a professional qualification in architecture in one of the schools of architecture invited to participate. The full list of invited schools for 2020 is available to view here.
Each school can nominate one student only and must choose its own method of selecting its nominated student.
Not yet announced
Travelling Scholarship: £7,000
Entry Fee
The judging process will take place in early June, and all applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of June.