1st place
'Emerging Ghana' by Ana Morgado, João Caeiro, Lara Camilla Pinho, Maria de Paz Sequeira Braga and Maria de Carmo Caldeira.
2nd place
'W.B.C.' by Kari Smith, Dan Burkett and Erin Bodin
3rd place
'BambooOS' by Yong Tang, Elena Eijgenseer, Jalal Spiegel, Yan Chen and Alice Hu.
4th place
Sergio Guzmán, Perú
5th place
Patxi Gastaminza and Jürgen Münzer, Spain
6th place
Lucas London, United States
7th place
Ovidiu Talos and Miruna Store, România
8th place
Shaun Daniel Morris, United States
9th place
Gregory Mathers and Daniela Ciarcelluti, UK
10th place
Matthias Winter and Philipp Schaefle, Swizerland
カテゴリ | 実施コンペ / コンペ結果 |
タイプ | International, Project, Open, Two-Stage, Anonymous |
ジャンル | Housing, Sustainability |
開催地 | Rotterdam, the Netherlands |
登録締切日 | 17 May 2010 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 17 May 2010 (via Online) |
応募資格 | All |
To generate content for the OS-House platform we start with the Ghana design competition. However the aim of OS-House is to provide knowledge and choice. Therefore all submitted designs are published on the OS-House platform after the competition.
After this first competition and pilot project OS-House will continue to promote the implementation of more OS-Houses, challenge platform members to improve available designs, organize new competitions and stimulate local parties to take designs and adapt them to their local conditions. Our goal is to realize a 100,000 OS-Houses before the year 2020.
A middle class family with 2 parents and 2 children are looking for a new house. The man works as a civil servant and his wife as a nurse. The children go to primary school. A female relative is staying with the family, she just finished her junior secondary school. She looks after the house and the children when the parents are working. In their current situation she sleeps on the couch in the living room. In the future the family will grow towards a family size of 6-11 people, either by getting more kids or by relatives moving in. The amount of money the family can spend on their house is indicated on 15,000 GHS to 25,000 GHS.
Not yet announced
1st Prize: construction of design in Ghana and a short trip to Ghana for the opening ceremony and a short trip to attend the awarding ceremony in The Netherlands
2nd Prize: construction (this will not be a paid assignment.) or 2000 Euro
3rd Prize: construction (this will not be a paid assignment.) or 1500 Euro
4th Prize: construction (this will not be a paid assignment.) or 1000 Euro
5th Prize: construction (this will not be a paid assignment.) or 500 Euro
Entry Fee
The PDF booklet (8 to 10 pages, sized A3)
Pre-selection round: end of May 2010
Announcement of nominated designs: end of May or June 2010
Jury round: June 2010
Jury statement and prize-giving ceremony: June or July 2010
Open Source House
Official Website