カテゴリ | 実施コンペ |
タイプ | International, Project, Architects, Single-Stage, Anonymous |
ジャンル | Landscape, Redevelopment |
開催地 | Riga, Latvia |
登録締切日 | 5 April 2024 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 5 April 2024 (via Online) |
応募資格 | The Interested Participant must be registered in the Commercial Register of Latvia or an equivalent register in a foreign country if the laws of the country in question so provide. |
THE PURPOSE OF THE COMPETITION is to get creative ideas and proposals on how to respectfully preserve the burials of the Great Cemetery, its cultural historical and natural values for future generations, how to ensure the sustainable development of the territory and to use the potential of the existing green infrastructure as a biologically diverse and unique landscape on the European scale, to improve the quality of the urban environment and the availability of the Great Cemetery for residents and guests of the city of Riga.
The maximum amount of the contract that the Commissioner has allocated for the development of the first stage of the construction project of the Memorial "Great Cemetery'' in 2024 is EUR 100,000.00 without VAT.
- Chairperson of the Jury
Mr. Gunārs Nāgels, Director of Riga City State Municipal
Agency "Riga Monument Agency";
- Member of the Jury
Mr. Juris Dambis, architect, Head of National Cultural Heritage Administration;
Mr. Viesturs Brūzis, architect, acting manager of the Cultural and Historical Heritage Preservation Office of the Development Department of Riga City State Council;
Ms. Arnita Verza, landscape architect, landscape architect of the Architect's Office of the Development Department of Riga City State Council;
Member of the Jury - Mr. Aigars Kušķis, architect, expert in the management of planning issues of the UNESCO World Heritage of the Riga Historical Centre of the Development Department of Riga City Council; Head of Monument Council of Riga City State Council;
Ms. Ilze Rukšāne, landscape architect, representative of the Latvian Association of Landscape Architects;
Mr. Artūrs Lapiņš, architect, representative of the Latvian Association of Architects;
Ms. Ligita Tomiņa, landscape architect, Ltd. „Rīgas meži";
Ms. Tiina Saby, architect, planner, and community specialist (Denmark);
EUR 15 000,00 for the first-place winner;
EUR 10 000,00 for the second-place winner;
EUR 5 000,00 for third-place winner.
Entry Fee
Riga City State Municipal Agency "Riga Monument Agency"
The Latvian Association of Architects