1st prize
mossessian & partners, London/United Kingdom in collaboration with Yassir Khalil Studio, Casablanca/Morocco
2nd prize
Studio Ferretti-Marcelloni, Rome/Italy in collaboration with Bahia Nouh, Fez/Morocco
3rd prize
Moxon Architects, London/United Kingdom in collaboration with Aime Kakon, Casablanca/Morocco
カテゴリ | 実施コンペ / コンペ結果 |
タイプ | International, Project, Open, Two-Stage, Anonymous |
ジャンル | Public, Urban |
開催地 | Fez, Morocco |
登録締切日 | 15 October 2010 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 8 November 2010 GoogleCal |
応募資格 | Architects, and urban planners in association with architects |
The competition is being conducted in the context of a US $697,500,000 international development program funded by the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), in accordance with the Millennium Challenge Compact (the “Compact”) dated August 31, 2007, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Morocco.
Overall Aim and Objective
The aim of the project is to revitalize Place Lalla Yeddouna, a public square and surrounding buildings at a central crossroads in the Medina of Fez, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981. The key objective is to revitalize the site and its surroundings, adapting modern distinctive architecture into an area that is full of tradition, vibrancy and functional diversity. Physically the site comprises small alleyways, a nicely shaped square with a tree, a river, a bridge dating from the XX Century, some dilapidated buildings that will be replaced and others that are historically and architecturally significant and will be rehabilitated.
In the future the area of Place Lalla Yeddouna shall serve as a vibrant mixed-use urban hub for the community as well as visitors to the Medina. The site is expected to become a major catalyst for artisan development, with spaces for educational programs, residences, artisan production, shops, restaurants, cafés and other services. The new complex must support activities for youth and adults.
Expert Jurors:
• Mr. Abbas El Fassi, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Morocco
• Mr. Bensalem Himmich, Minister of Culture, Kingdom of Morocco
• Mr. Anis Birrou, State Secretary of Artisanat, Kingdom of Morocco
• Mr. Samuel L. Kaplan, U.S. Ambassador to The Kingdom of Morocco
• Mr. Mohammed Rharrabi, Wali of Fez,Governor of Fez, Kingdom of Morocco
• Mr. Hamid Chabat, Mayor of Fez, Kingdom of Morocco
Architectural Jurors:
• Mr. Prof. Marc Angélil, Architect, Los Angeles/USA and Zurich/Switzerland
• Mr. Dr. Stefano Bianca, Architect, Geneva/Switzerland
• Ms.Meisa Batayneh Maani, Architect, Amman/Jordan
• Mr. David Chipperfield, Architect, London/United Kingdom
• Mr. Omar Farkhani, Architect, Rabat/Kingdom of Morocco
• Mr. Prof. Rodolfo Machado, Architect, Boston/USA and Buenos Aires/Argentina
• Mr. Prof. Matthias Sauerbruch, Architect, Berlin/Germany and Boston/USA
1st prize: US$ 55,000.00
2nd prize: US$ 40,000.00
3rd prize: US$ 25,000.00
and, USD 40,000 to each phase 2 finalists
Entry Fee
Jury meeting Phase 1: December 13/14, 2010
Jury meeting Phase 2: March 2011
The Government of The Kingdom of Morocco
Official Website