The Prize "Sustainable Architecture" Fassa Bortolo 2023


カテゴリ アワード
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage, Onymous
ジャンル Sustainability
開催地 Ferrara, Italy
登録締切日 1 February 2023 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 1 February 2023 (via Online)
応募資格 All
対象作品 The work must have been carried out and completed within the past 5 years.

The Award for Sustainable Architecture was conceived and promoted in 2003 by Fassa Srl,, owner of the "Fassa Bortolo"brand, and the University of Ferrara Department of Architecture, in celebration of a decade of activity; it was created for the purpose of rewarding and making known to the broad public architecture that is able to interact with the environment in a balanced way, designed for human needs and able to satisfy the necessities of our generation without compromising, through indiscriminate consumption of resources and the resulting pollution, those of future generations.
The Award is open to the participation of projects for new buildings, the re-qualification and/or extension of existing buildings, urban and landscape design, or any other design field that assumes particular significance in terms of sustainability.

Prof. Arch. Marianne Burkhalter
Prof. Arch. Ing.Vladimir Slapeta
Arch. Roman Cordero
Prof. Luca Rossato

€ 3,000

Entry Fee

The outcomes of the selection, with the identification of the winners and the bestowal of the honourable mentions, will be communicated to all the participants by the end of July 2023.

Past winners

Fassa Bortolo

Official Website