カテゴリ | アイディアコンペ |
タイプ | International, Idea, Architect, Single-Stage, Anonymous |
ジャンル | Urban |
開催地 | Podgorica, Montenegro |
登録締切日 | 30 April 2018 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 30 April 2018 (Must be Postmarked) |
応募資格 | At least one of the authors of the design and study (individual or leader of the author’s team) is responsible person of architectural profession (licensed architect). |
Capital City Podgorica, in cooperation with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, announces a competition for Urban and architectural conceptual design and Study with recommendations for urbanization of Sadine in Podgorica, Montenegro.
The main objective of the competition is the selection of conceptual design of the highest quality, and Study that will serve as stable and checked basis for detailed elaboration through detailed urban plan of Sadine area (144 hectares), in accordance with Spatial-urban plan of Capital City Podgorica (Prostorno-urbanistički plan Glavnog grada Podgorice) that will follow after the proclamation of winning design and study.
Capital City Podgorica recognizes the urban space as valuable local and national resource which has to be given a special dedication, especially when it comes to defining undeveloped urban zones, have long been an integral part of the cityscape. Our vision of Sadine area is based on the principle of sustainability of future urban space, which is expected to be integral part of narrow urban suburb of Capital city. The sustainability, as the matter of fact, is the motive of elaborating of Sadine area through this competition and, what Capital City Podgorica aims is to choose the best Urban and architectonic conceptual design whose feasibility will be elaborated in detail through the Study, and contemporary and innovative design which will be incentive for upcoming urban and architectural designs is expected. Cthe notion of sustainability in the context of this competition means the following: dealing with local resources, whereby the special emphasis is placed on care of environment, usage of energy from renewable sources and adequate land management, infrastructure, waste, etc.
Prof. MSc. Arch. Dimitrije Mladenović, expert member and president of the jury
Prof. PhD Arch. Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews, dipl.ing.arh., expert member
Prof. PhD Arch. Svetislav G. Popović, expert member
Prof. PhD Arch. Rifat R. Alihodžić, dipl.ing.arh., expert member
Prof. PhD Eng. Biljana Ivanović, expert member
Dragana Čenić, Arch., representative of the Ministry of sustainable development and tourism
Zorica Rakčević, Arch., representative of the Announcer
First prize: 50.000,00 euro
Second prize: 35.000,00 euro
Third prize: 20.000,00 euro
Three redemption: per 10.000,00 euro
Entry Fee
Announcement of competition results: by 15 May 2018 when opening of envelopes shall take place with the note “DATA ABOUT AUTHOR”
Capital City Podgorica, in cooperation with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro