International Awards Program for Religious Art & Architecture 2009

コンペ結果 Japanese Flag

Honor - Religious Architecture - New Facilities
Taira Nishizawa Architects
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Church Sun-pu
Shizuoka prefecture, Japan

Merit - Religious Architecture - New Facilities
3six0 Architecture
Hope, Rhode Island, USA
Chapel Addition
Shepherd of the Valley United Methodist Church
Hope, Rhode Island, USA

HGA Architects and Engineers
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
B’nai Israel Synagogue
Rochester, Minnesota, USA

Ford Powell & Carson
San Antonio, Texas, USA
The All Saints Chapel
Texas Military Institute
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
San Francisco, California, USA
Cathedral of Christ the Light
Oakland, California, USA

Merit - Religious Architecture - Renovation
Barry Donaldson, Architect, at
Lichten Craig Architects, LLP
New York, New York, USA
Christ Church Tower Restoration
Poughkeepsie, New York, USA

Honor - Religious Architecture - Liturgical/Interior Design
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Petters Pavilion and Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Saint John’s Abbey
Collegeville, Minnesota, USA

Merit - Religious Architecture - Liturgical/Interior Design
Shoji Oshio, UA OFFICE Co., Ltd
Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
Light Gallery and Interaction Gallery, The Ogen Center
Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Williamson Pounders Architects, PC
with LaBella Associates, PC
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Renovations and Additions
Sacred Heart Cathedral
Rochester, New York, USA

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
San Francisco, California, USA
Cathedral of Christ the Light
Oakland, California, USA

Honor - Religious Architecture - Sacred Landscape
North Studio
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Wesleyan Center for Jewish Life
Middletown, Connecticut, USA

Honor - Religious Arts - Visual Arts
Kunst aaO GmbH
Paderborn, Germany
“Designation”, Bartholomew Chapel
Paderborn, Germany

Merit - Religious Arts - Visual Arts
Miriam Cabello, MLC Gallery
Ultimo, New South Wales, Australia
Stations of the Cross, South Sydney Uniting Church
Waterloo, New South Wales

Sarah Hall and Laya Crust at Sarah Hall Studio, Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“I Will Bless You” Triptych, Union for Reform Judaism
New York, New York, USA

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宗教的な建築、ランドスケープ、インテリア、アートを表彰するアワードで、2004年以降完成した作品が対象。2006年に芦澤竜一のSETRE Chapelが入賞している。

カテゴリ アワード / コンペ結果
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage, Onymous
ジャンル Architecture, Art, Interior, Landscape
開催地 United States
登録締切日 26 June 2009 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 26 June 2009 (via Online)
応募資格 All
対象作品 All projects must be completed since January 2004.

- Religious Architecture Awards
- Sacred Landscape Awards
- Liturgical/Interior Design Awards
- Religious Arts Awards

Fr. Richard S. Vosko (Chair/Liturgical Designer, Clifton Park, NY)
George Yu (Architect, GYA Architects, Inc., Philadelphia, PA)
Trey Trahan (Architect, Trahan Architects, Baton Rouge, LA)
Rabbi Daniel Freelander (Clergy, Union for Reform Judaism, New York, NY)
Annie Dixon (Artist, Dixon Studio, Staunton, VA)

Publication and Exhibition

Entry Fee
- Religious Architecture Awards: $200 (IFRAA Members), $235 (non-members)
- Sacred Landscape Awards: $100 (IFRAA Members), $125 (non-members)
- Liturgical/Interior Design Awards: $200 (IFRAA Members), $235 (non-members)
- Religious Arts Awards: $100 (IFRAA Members), $125 (non-members)

Project Description (a maximum of 1,800 characters) and Photographs (a maximum of 12) and Drawings

Past winners

Faith & Form Magazine and the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture (IFRAA), a knowledge community of the American Institute of Architects

Official Website