Sapporo Style Design Competition 2008

カテゴリ その他のコンペ
タイプ International, Commercialize, Open, Single-Stage
ジャンル Product
開催地 Sapporo, Japan
登録締切日 30 January 2009 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 30 January 2009 (Must be Received)
応募資格 Designers

Masayuki Terashima, graphic designer
Tetsuo Shimizu, Executive Director, Hokkaido Kanko Bussan Kosha Co., Ltd.
Hideki Araki, Planning Manager of the Second Management Department, Marui Imai Inc.
Mikako Hayashi, Professor, Graduate School of Keio University/newscaster
Kiyotoshi Miyakawa, Advisor, Sapporo Bussan Kyokai

Grand Prize (one entry): 300,000 JPY
Outstanding Performance Prize (several entries): 150,000 JPY
Honorable mention (several entries): 50,000 JPY
Accepted work (approximately 10 entries): commemorative gift

Entry Fee

On an A3-size sheet

Submission Address
Design Entry Section for the Sapporo Style Design Competition 2008
Novello Co., Ltd.
Minami 2-jo Higashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0052

Winners will be notified in late February 2009

Sapporo Style Design Competition 2008 Organizing Committee

Official Website