2nd Self-sufficient Housing Competition


2nd Advanced Architecture Contest gathered over 1100 competitors from more than 90 countries all over the world and 255 proposals submitted. And winners are...

1st Prize: Ming Tang, Dihua Yang (CHINA)
2nd Prize: Luis Aguirre Manso (SPAIN)
3rd Prize: Shinya OKUDA, Kung Yick Ho Alvin, Lam Yan Yu Ian (HONG KONG)

See Winner's Entries here: http://www.advancedarchitecturecontest.org/results.php
See ALL the finalists here: http://www.iaacblog.com/AAC2007-finalists/



カテゴリ アイディアコンペ / 学生が参加できるコンペ / コンペ結果
タイプ International Architecture Idea Competition
ジャンル Housing
開催地 Spain
登録締切日 17 Sep 2007 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 17 Sep 2007 (Must be Received via Online)
応募資格 All

The competition encourage the design of a “SELF-FAB HOUSE” using industrial or traditional craft-based techniques generated on the basis of the knowledge of the information age, such as digital processes, software-driven manufacturing, skills and know-how in the use of new or established materials, the strategic recycling of other chains of production or familiarity with the historical processes of the construction of habitats in natural environments, revised in the light of new standards of sustainability.

THEME: A Community/Self-Fabricated World, Digital Materialization and Programmable Construction, Rapid Modification and Permanence, Emergent Design, Peer Production and Free Source

See "Jury Section" at the official website

Competition Type
One-Stage, Anonymous Competition

1st Prize: 3,000 € + Master in Advanced Architecture IAAC (value 11,500 €)
2nd Prize: 2,000 € + Master in Advanced Architecture IAAC (value 11,500 €)
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Master in Advanced Architecture IAAC (value 11,500 €)
Honourable Mentions: Net-Delegates (The jury will select 1 (one) delegate for each country, and each Net-delegate will take part in various activities for the purpose of integrating this virtual community of researchers and the subsequent development of international projects.)

Entry Fee

3 PDF files, DIN A3 format

Selection of projects by the national jury: September-October 2007
Announcement of the results: October-November 2007
International presentation of the results: November 2007

Past Winners

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

Official Website