カテゴリ | 実施コンペ |
タイプ | International, Project/EOI, Restricted, Two-Stage |
ジャンル | Landscape |
開催地 | Saint Petersburg, Russia |
登録締切日 | 15 January 2020 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 15 January 2020 (via Online) |
応募資格 | Russian and international landscape designers and architects |
For more than a hundred years, Saint Petersburg residents have wished to see an urban park on Vatny Island. Today, the city has a unique opportunity to make this dream of several generations of Petersburgers come true and create a new, world-class landmark on the Petrograd side. Tuchkov Buyan will become the city's first park with direct river access and will offer new panoramic views of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Treasury ensemble, the Rostral Columns of Vasilievsky Island, the Admiralty, Saint Petersburg's drawbridges, and the Neva River itself. Thanks to the project, the city's green spaces will be united in a single, unbroken pedestrian route: from the Field of Mars and the Summer Garden via Trinity Square and Alexandrovsky Park to the islands. The embankment between Tuchkov and Treasury Bridges and Academic Likhachev Square will be transformed as well.
Vladimir Grigoriev: Chief Architect of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture
Boris Kirikov: Architectural historian, Art History PhD, Honored Cultural Worker of Russia.
Oleg Romanov: Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, President of the St. Petersburg Union of Architects.
Sergei Tchoban: Member of the Union of Architects of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, Member of the Union of German Architects (BDA), academician of the Moscow branch of the International Academy of Architecture and honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Elena Stieglitz: Landscape architect, Director of Legacy of Baron Stieglitz Foundation, author of the idea and organizer of Imperial Gardens of Russia Festival, Member of the Association of Landscape Architects of Saint Petersburg, Member of the Guardian Council for the Historical Gardens and Parks, Member of the Society for Russian manor house studies.
Francesco Bandarin: Former UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture, Professor of Urban Planning and Conservation at the Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV).
Patrick Blanc: Botanist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, invented a modern vertical hydroponic garden.
Didier Vancutsem: Member of the Board of Directors of ISOCARP Institute.
Martin Rein-Cano: Landscape Architect, co-founder and Managing Partner of firm Topotek 1.
Ken Smith: Landscape architect, urban planner, founder of Ken Smith Workshop.
Stefan Rotzler: Landscape architect, representative of the International Union of Architects.
First place: $ 50 000
Second place: $ 30 000
Third place: $ 20 000
Entry Fee
First Jury session. Selection of 8 competitors: 3–4 February 2020
Submission of Competition proposals: 8 May 2020
Announcement of Competition results at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: 3–6 June 2020
The DOM.RF Foundation