SUDAPAN: Endless (s)trips Competition


1st Prize: “Supertourism*”
Team Leader:
Marcos Castaings / Architect / Montevideo, Uruguay
Other members:
Fabio Ayerra / Arquitecto / Montevideo, Uruguay
Martín Cobas / Arquitecto / Montevideo, Uruguay
Federico Gastambide / Arquitecto / Montevideo, Uruguay
Javier Lanza / Arquitecto / Montevideo, Uruguay
Diego Pérez / Estudiante / Montevideo, Uruguay
Sergio Aldama / Estudiante (colaborador) / Montevideo, Uruguay
Álvaro Moreno / Estudiante (colaborador) / Montevideo, Uruguay
Horacio Pérez / Estudiante (colaborador) / Montevideo, Uruguay
Adriana Puyol / Estudiante (colaborador) / Montevideo, Uruguay
Diego Bado / Estudiante (colaborador) / Montevideo, Uruguay

2nd Prize: “INSTANT STRIP”
Team Leader:
Alfonso García del Rey / Architect / Madrid, Spain
Other members:
Hendrik Gruss / Architect / Weimar, Germany
Nissim Haguenauer / Architecture Student / Paris, France

Janette Kim / Architect / New York, NY, USA



巨大リゾート地であるカリブ海沿岸地域のポテンシャルを引き出す新たな提案を募集。ユカタン半島のマヤンリビエラ(Mayan Riviera)というカリブ海沿岸の地域で、カンクン(Cancun)からトゥルム(Tulum)まで続く、総延長 86.996マイル、面積 3.12平方マイルの地域から選択する。計画の場所や規模は自由。

カテゴリ アイディアコンペ / コンペ結果
タイプ International Urban/Architecuture Idea Competition
ジャンル Resort
開催地 Mexico
登録締切日 26 November 2007 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 26 November 2007 (via Online)
応募資格 Personal or Collective who must have a degree in Architecture, Urbanism, Town Planning/Zoning or Landscaping.

Endless trips. Endless strips.

Endless (s)trips is the first competition organized by Sudapán to be presented as an international platform for the launching of questions and proposals for the architecture, the city and the territory of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a competition of ideas on the urbanism potential of the massive beach tourism in the Caribbean.

Endless (s)trips is a space of reflection an proposals for rethinking the relation between the local elements, the tourists, the environment, tourism managers, the State, the infrastructure and the landscape. It is an opportunity to imagine other cities, other territories and other ways of tourism management.

Due to its size, dynamism and complexity, the Mayan Riviera is an intense and urgent case of great potential, an urbanism laboratory in
the Caribbean coast.

Endless (s)trips tries to inquire into the ways of physical intervention in the territories as well as into the forms of managing them. Projects may have a particular character (urban design, urbanism, town planning/zoning); a generic character (urban, marketing and diffusion strategies, as well as land policies) an intangible character (publicity campaigns, hotel and tourism administration outlines, public or private investment and participation outlines); or a concrete character (buildings, infrastructures).

The subject proposed by Endless (s)trips for the Mayan Riviera may be explored in different locations and scales, the Participant being free to choose the location and realm of the proposed Project. All generic, specific, abstract and concrete studies or projects will be admitted.

Vicente Guallart, Winy Maas, Prof. Carel Weeber, José Castillo and Bruno Stagno

Competition Type
One-Stage, Anonymous Competition

1st Prize: US$ 7,000
2nd Prize: US$ 2,000
3rd Prize: US$ 1,000
Special Mentions

Entry Fee

Digital images and text.

Publishing of the Results and online Exhibition of the Winning Projects at 21 December 2007

Supersudaca / IAAC / Prins Claus Fonds

Official Website