カテゴリ | 実施コンペ / コンペ結果 |
タイプ | International, Project, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous |
ジャンル | Office |
開催地 | Costa Rica |
登録締切日 | 16 September 2011 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 10 October 2011 (Must be Received) GoogleCal |
応募資格 | Architects, interdisciplinary teams of professionals led by architects and architectural firms with professional license in any jurisdiction in the world. |
This is an international competition for architectural preliminary designs with intervention of a Jury, through an open procedure, anonymous and in one single phase. The purpose is to promote proposals for site and architectural design that allow the selection of one that the jury considers best fulfills the needs and expectations of the Sponsor, FUNDECOR, especially in the areas of ERD (Environmentally Responsible Design) in the context of Costa Rica’s humid tropics and of institutional image, that should reaffirm the mission and vision of the institution, which is to preserve and promote the sustainable use of natural resources of the Conservation Area of the of the Central Volcanic Mountain Range of Costa Rica. Therefore, this competition is governed by what is described in these rules, leaving FUNDECOR and, at its corresponding moment, the jury, empowered to resolve the issues that are not explicitly stated in the design proposals.
The jury includes architects Carlos Jiménez, Thomas Spiegelhalter and Mauricio Quiros of the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal. FUNDECOR.
First Prize: The equivalent of the fees established by the CFIA (Federated
Association of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica) for the preliminary
design stages. 1.5% of the cost (estimated) of the project U.S. $ 7,500.00
Second Prize:US$2,500.00
Third Prize: US$1,500.00
5 Honorable Mentions with Certificate (no monetary award).
Entry Fee
The period for registration will be from July 18, 2011 to August 19, 2011 in an early registration period at a cost of US$125.00 and after August 22 to September 16, 2011 in a period of late registrations at a cost of US$ 200.00.
4 sheets of A1
End of early registration period: August 19, 2011
End of late registration period: September 16 2011
Announcement and presentation of awards to winners: October 22, 2011
Official Website